Tori Ethier

For everyone keeping up on us!!

We will finally be discharged next week! After a long hospital stay of over 3 1/2 months, we still don’t have a diagnosis. Krew was … Read more


Hi guys, so two days ago, Krew started on the immunomodulators that were given from a specialist in California. He was either going to be … Read more

Love Bug

You’re going to be okay my love bug ♥️

MRI Today

Been a little while everyone I’m so sorry. Taking it all in! Over the last week we’ve seen some changes in little krew krew. We … Read more

Set Back on Treatments

Good morning! We had a little set back on starting new treatments. He had to get a few vaccines before the new medicines. Have to … Read more

Good News!

Goodmorning. We got some good news 🙂 CHLA contacted us back & we were able to have one of the neuro immunologist over there tell … Read more

Krew just went into surgery

Krew just went into surgery. Today is his first day for plasma pherisis. This is the next procedure we can do for him. The steroids, … Read more

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