Good morning! Krew has done 2 plasma procedures so far. They have gone as planned with no complications. He has another one this morning coming up soon. He hasn’t been sedated for these as we thought he would have been. During the day after these procedures he’s really aggravated & cries a lot 🙁 we know this will help his little body so pray he can get through the next 3. We agreed to do 6 treatments instead of 5, to make sure all the bad antibodies will come out. The doctors are amazing here & very attentive & love my little krew krew! He’s still on the seizure medication it does help suppress his neuro activity. But I’m hoping he can been weened off of it soon, as I can tell he’s trying to come back to normal but he can’t. Doctors say we can’t take it off for a while to make sure no seizures happen, but hopefully will give us a date soon. He can’t look anywhere his eyes stay pretty much upward because of the medicines. I’m right here next to you baby boy!!! Mamas got you. We should be here another 3 weeks at least docs say.
Please pray Krew will get through these treatments over the next week easily & give him all the strength he needs for it. Pray he can be taken off the medicines soon. Fill his heart up with extra comfort & love & put his mind at ease. We love you krew krew!!!! Bring us home baby boy